Mrs Lee: We have been married for 7 years. We’ve been trying for the past few years but failed to conceive. A few years back, we consulted a TCM doctor and tried TCM. It was about 3 years ago when we attended one of Dr Farah Leong’s health talks there. After that, we followed her advice, got consultations, and proceeded with our IVF journey.
Mrs Lee: It was a blessing to give birth to our baby this year. The reason was despite trying many times, we were still having trouble getting pregnant so I decided to for a medical checkup and seek a health professional’s advice to check if there was any problem with the body. If there are any issues with my body, then I’ll quickly get them sorted out. As a matter of fact, I have undergone two embryo transfers. During the first attempt, one embryo was transferred but it was unsuccessful. Two embryos were then transferred into my uterus for the second attempt. Thankfully, one of the embryos was successful and there was a heartbeat. Due to my fear of needles, I had to get my husband to assist me with the injection during this process.
Mr Lee: In my opinion, the husband’s role is crucial during this process, since your wife may be afraid of needles. Although some men may also be afraid of needles, however when we see our wife is in pain, we should still support each other and help them through this. I think this is important. If both you and your partner have made a decision on having a baby, don’t ever give up. Also, be patient and don’t worry, your baby will arrive. Don’t waste your time, go ahead and receive IVF treatment right away if you need it. It’s better to get the treatment as soon as possible if you’ve still capable of doing so.
Congratulations, Mr & Mrs Lee! Thank you for choosing to trust us in your fertility journey.
Stay tuned for more #fertilitysuccessstories with our #MiraclesBeginWithHope series.
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