Fertility Treatment FAQ
Does infertility mean I can never have children?
Not at all! Infertility, or more accurately subfertility, simply means that a couple hasn’t conceived after 12 months of regular, unprotected intercourse. It doesn’t mean pregnancy is impossible. Sterility, on the other hand, is different and is characterized by the absence of essential reproductive organs like the uterus, ovaries, eggs, or sperm.
Is infertility common?
Yes, it is. In Malaysia, about one in eight couples, or roughly 10-15% of couples nationwide, experience infertility.
Does infertility affect only women?
No, infertility affects both men and women almost equally. About one-third of infertility cases are due to issues with the female partner, another third are due to the male partner, and the remaining third are due to a combination of factors from both partners.
How long should we try to conceive before seeing a doctor?
If you’re under 35, we recommend seeing a fertility specialist after one year of trying to conceive without success. For women over 35, it’s advisable to consult a specialist after six months of trying.
Is age a factor in a woman’s ability to conceive?
Absolutely. Age is a critical factor in fertility. Women are born with a limited number of eggs, which decrease in both quality and quantity as they age. Unfortunately, there’s no way to stop this process. Women in their 30s have about a 20% chance of conceiving each month, but by age 40, that chance drops to around 5%.
Does a man’s fertility decline with age?
Yes, but it’s a slower decline compared to women. Men’s sperm quality starts to decrease after age 40, but their fertility generally declines more gradually.
What are the primary treatment methods for infertility?
A fertility specialist will assess each couple and create a tailored treatment plan. The most common treatments include intrauterine insemination (IUI) and in vitro fertilisation (IVF).
When will I be able to confirm my pregnancy after treatment?
We’ll perform a bHCG blood test two weeks after the embryo transfer to confirm pregnancy. This method can be less stressful than relying on daily home pregnancy tests.
Should I bring my partner to the consultation?
Definitely! Since infertility can involve either partner, or both, it’s ideal to attend the consultation together.
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